Friday, January 16, 2009

The D word

After seeing my picture of me doing the impression on the Mitchlin Man, I thought it was time to lose weight. So I cut out or reduced the sugar I consume on a daily basis, increase my fruits and vegetables, while exercising more often; good thing it snowed so much lately! Well, to make a long story short (too late) I lost 2 pounds. Now that may not sound like much, but I think of it as two pounds of butter. If I keep up this pace, I'll be a skinny minny by June. Did you ever notice how loud a chocolate chip can say "EAT ME." as compared to a carrot stick? Did you ever stop and wonder why people are crabby on diets? Or why all the things that taste delicious are bad for you?
Two pounds of Butter!!


Kathleen said...

I thought you looked like the MM 'cause of your jacket, not your weight!!! You've inspired me though - I'll race you to summer weight. Ready, set, go... HEY!! you started first! MOOOMMM!!!

Karen said... go girls! I'm right behind you...I'd like to dump another 10 lbs.

Sarah said...

Congrats Col & good luck to you & my mom & Karen. I'm hoping to gain some weight (get pregnant!) by summer :)

Anonymous said...

You go girl! Fruits, vegetables, and exercize is a winning combination. The butter is a great visual. I pigged out on chocolates tonight and felt yukky. Now I'm awake from it also. A glass of water with a half of lemon squeezed in it made my stomach recover. I've had a hard time eating healthfully,on a regular basis, since the holidays. Your blog helped in the inspiration department. Thanks. Just finished an interesting book about all of the products out there that are'nt really foods. "In Defense of Food",author Michael Pollan, is the book and the bottom line is the usual, Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. It's amazing to read about the lengths that junk food industries go to convince us that their stuff is nutritious. I'm talking cereal, bread,and yogurt products too. Yikes! Enough and good night. Love, Pat