Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spring Break

What a fun, productive and relaxing spring break. Mike and kids are in school this week so I am home by myself. I know poor Col. I've had the pleasure of going to the orthodontists, running errands, and going into work for some of my outside independent highlights. At home, I've cooked, cleaned, did laundry, etc. I think the kids have enjoyed having me home as we have been eating some good dinners.

I also went on a field trip with Jared to the Widow Clarke house in Chicago. I was so impressed that the Clarkes moved from New York and bought 20 acres of land for $2000 on the shores of Lake Michigan. At one point I leaned over to Jared and said, "You know what I wish?" To which he responded "You wish you were a Clarke." Smart kid. It was fun to see Jared with his classmates.

The highlight of the week so far would have to be Wednesday. On Wednesday, I went to see niece Mary at work. She treated me to a Microdermabrasion. WHAT A TREAT!! Thanks Mary. I was also a guinea pig for a new RN so she can learn how to give Botox injections. Afterwards, I met my college friend, Sue. We spent a fun-filled day at Water Tower Place, Navy Pier, and dining at Italian Village. At Navy Pier, we saw the 3-D movie Under the Sea. It is amazing how many creatures lurk under the sea. I don't think I will be going into the water in the near future. Not that it was an option anyway. I always enjoy spending time with Sue as she is such a positive, thoughtful person who is always so quick to laugh. These are traits you need when you have four-year-old twins. I thought I was so clever to bring my camera with me to take some shots. Too bad I forgot about it in my purse. Now I have to do the trip again!!


Kathleen said...

Sounds like a packed, fun week. And it's not even over yet! You're right, that Jared IS smart. And he knows his mom.

Karen said...

....good to see ur blogging again!