Friday, August 21, 2009

What a difference a day makes

After dropping Alyssa off at high school on Monday, I headed into school to get some work done in my classroom. I was moved this year, so I had a lot of unpacking to do. While I was there I was summoned to the office by the principal and the director of special education. I knew it was too early in the year for me to be in trouble, so I assumed it was something to make more work. Much to my delight I was offered a fourth grade classroom position. I was so excited. After talking with Michael, a friend of mine and Jared, I accepted the position. Jared wanted to know if it was more money. Sorry no additional money. So I am giving up special education for a general education class. It may only last a year, but I welcome the change. I still can't believe it. I like to walk into my principal's office and say, "Colleen Tarantino- Fourth Grade Teacher." She said, "Don't make me regret this decision." Hee hee


Karen said...

...that sounds great, Col! Good luck.....I know you'll do great!

Kathleen said...

I'm so excited for you - those kids are so lucky. And what do you mean "to early in the year to be in trouble"? Hah!

Sarah said...

Congrats! Sounds like fun! :)

Anonymous said...

Good for you Colleen!Why would your principal regret It? You put your heart into everything you do so it seems like a win win situation. What a refreshing change. It's such a surprize that the school would give up a special ed teacher. Have a wonderful year! Love, Pat

Anonymous said...

Your own room, WOW thats really great. Remember how happy you are when our correcting those papers at night. I know you'll do great.
Love, Kathy

Annie said...

I am going to miss you as my special education partner....I am so happy for you. You are going to be a fab teacher. I am excited for you and sad for me... but its not like I am not going to see ya.....
Get some good sleep... Reality is back.